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3DS Shines at Game Critics Awards

Although E3 is over and done with for the year, following it every year is the prestigious Game Critics Awards. Despite some ridiculous acts of mother nature, and an even more ridiculous oil spill, 2010 is just like any year before it. Therefore, a week ago the nominees were decided on, the votes were finally tallied, and the big winners are Nintendo’s 3DS and id’s Rage.

Despite only winning two of eighteen awards, the 3DS received arguably the strongest awards with wins in the Best of Show and Best Hardware categories. In a similar fashion, Rage dominated the software front and was granted three awards: Best Console Game, Special Commendation for Graphics and Best Action Game.

Well, guess there is always next year to develop 3D technology. Or, at least in Sony’s case, more accessible 3D technology.

In what will probably come as an upset to both companies, Playstation’s Move games were absent from the list as were Microsoft’s first-party Kinect titles. However, the body-moving Kinect title, Dance Central, won Best Original Game as well as Best Motion Simulation. God of War: Ghost of Sparta also managed to steal Best Handheld Game. Though there seems to be no love for motion, the small victories count for something, right?


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