Turn off the Lights

An Abrams and Nolan Collaboration in the Works

Word has it that J.J. Abrams is pitching around a crime-thriller series created by Jonah Nolan (yeah, the Inception director’s baby brother). His collaboration with Abrams will be the penman’s first foray into the small-screen.

Nolan has a pretty short, yet impressive IMDB page. His most notable projects are his written contributions to older brother Christopher’s projects The Dark Knight, The Prestige, and Memento. I would be remiss to not acknowledge his work as a grip on Following.

An insider claims that one network in particular is exceptionally interested in the as yet untitled project. While some of you may think that this is a marriage made in television heaven, take a step back and remember that Abrams was, of course, responsible for Felicity – things were never the same after that damn haircut.

I certainly am anxiously anticipating this utterly under wraps project; hopefully it’ll have an even better John Locke – if that’s even remotely possible.  


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