Turn off the Lights

Burn Notice: Friendly Fire

Crowning moments of awesome, putting a face to our new übervillain, and a few moments of heartwarming as well - pretty much one of the best "basic" episodes of Burn Notice I've seen.

I tend to separate Burn Notice into two parts, I've realized. The "basic", which is the plot of the week, with its victims and villains, witty dialogue and things that go boom. And then there's the emotional/storyarc bit, which focuses more on Micael's relationships with the people closest to him, and the overall direction of the plot - sometimes background noise, sometimes a red thread, and sometimes real and immediate.

Although this episode had a bit of the latter - a nice ending with Michael and Fiona, and finally putting a face to what appears to be this seasons main villain - it was above all a wonderfully over-the-top "basic" version.

In some episodes Michael goes up against real pros, facing difficult odds and pulling on all his training and experience.
And then there's cases like this one, where the opposition is just weak enough to let him pull off really cool feats of Awesomeness. :D
The ultracool persona he portrayed made a bit of preplanning look like magic, and reminded me of a Mission:Impossible episode where the villain is convinced he's dealing with the devil himself.

The not-so-subtle "hints" pointing in the same direction here are entertaining and impressive, and at the end of the episode I had to resist the urge to snap my fingers... :D



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