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Comic Con Internation – Friday Cosplay and Booth Babes Part 1

Here we are again with Cosplay Friday and Booth Babes. Friday had quiet the variety of Anime, Comics and Movie cosplay giving us a bit of variety. Anyone who dresses up definitely deserves a pat on the back as there's almost always a feeding frenzy around them of people taking photos. The hilarious thing is that most people don't even know who the people are and so they won't take a photo until someone else does. For that I apologize to most of these people as I created a couple of frenzy's around them by taking their photo. Without further ado we begin!

Let's kick this off with Top Cow's Madam Mirage
PAC Comic Con - Madame MasqueSome G.I. Joe action with Baroness
PAC Comic Con - BaronessHere's some Gypsies and Whiplash from Iron Man 2
PAC Comic Con - WhiplashDragonball Z!
PAC Comic Con - Dragonball ZNone of those X-Men movie costumes here, just the comic version of Mystique and Rogue
PAC Comic Con - Rogue MystiqueMore X-Men with White Queen!
PAC Comic Con - White QueenBooth Babe Flash!
PAC Comic Con - Flash Booth BabeA very cool scene with Hal Jordon and some Lantern Corps Girls
PAC Comic Con - Lantern GirlsHey, hey! Put that sword down He-Man!
PAC Comic Con - He-ManAnd let's end this session with Booth Babes!
PAC Comic Con - Anchor Bay Booth BabesWell that's it for part one of Friday's Cosplay and Booth Babes but we'll be back with more!


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I am the Co-Founder and CTO of Entertainment Fuse. Thank you for viewing my profile. If you have any questions, comments or if you found any bugs with the website, contact me anytime. I love chatting with our community!

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