Turn off the Lights

Community Creator Teases Possible Movie

Fans of the cult comedy Community adopted the mantra of “six seasons and a movie” in order to keep the beloved series on the air. With five seasons on NBC and one on Yahoo!, Community achieved its television bench mark—does this mean that we’ll see the Greendale gang on the big screen? It’s a real possibility, according to series creator Dan Harmon In a Larry King Now interview on Ora.tv, Harmon said this of the prospects of a Community movie: “It’ll make a great movie. It’ll happen.” community-dan-harmon But before Community fans get too excited, there are a number of caveats to Harmon’s promise. For one, he expressed reservations about the timing of such a project. “If I pull out a typewriter right now and write a Community movie just for my own heart and mind, then I have to go through the heartbreak and agony of finding out which of the people are going to show up to make it,” Harmon said. “On the other hand, if I wait for everybody to line up and say ‘we’re all out of work and ready to do a Community movie,’ then I guess that’s a bad idea, too.” The fact that practically every key member of the Community cast is committed to other small-screen projects makes the logistics of getting the gang back together that much more difficult. In the meantime, Entertainment Fuse will be sure to keep you posted about any Community-related developments coming up!


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