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Court Fees Taking Toll on Call of Duty Creators

The legal battle between Activision and Call of Duty creators Jason West and Vince Zampella continues to get uglier as Kotaku reports that the court battle between the two is starting to financially strain West and Zampella.

This past December, Activision had expanded its lawsuit against West and Zampella to include EA, who have signed a publishing contract with the duo’s Respawn Entertainment studio. Activision’s reasoning for doing so was that EA had been attempting to “hijack” the developers to work for them.

West and Zampella contend that Activision knew of EA’s involvement in the case six months ago and by waiting until December to add them to their lawsuit, Activision is trying to push back the court case’s May date.

The Call of Duty creators said that this alleged tactic would force them to spend even more money on court costs, which have already “[exceeded] our combined annual salaries.” According to West and Zampella, the legal battle is also hampering their ability to start up Respawn Entertainment.


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