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DC To Publish Only One Comic At The End Of August

I think that this is a clever idea from DC in terms of creativity and bringing something different to comicsIn terms of business, and making money it is probably not the soundest because selling just one book vs Marvel who is just pumping out as many books as they can in a month might be bad, but I applaud DC for trying something new and giving their book the attention it deserves.

DC Comics has announced that on August the 31st they plan to publish only one comic book,
Flashpoint #5, “because of its impact on the DC Universe”.

“The war between the Amazons and the Atlantians has arrived. The battles between Diana of Themsycira and Emperor Aquaman will tear this world apart – unless The Flash can fix it!

So you can probably guarantee that every DC comic book fan will buy that comic, that week. And if Marvel is smart, they’ll try and push as many books as they can that might appeal to DC buyers to come out at the same time…

Source from: Bleeding Cool

Flashpoint #5 Cover


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