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EA Confirms No Battlefield 3 Demo

Despite prior rumors, EA confirmed that there will not be a pre-release Battlefield 3 demo. This rumor began when Patrick Bach told MSXbox-World that an early Battlefield 3 demo would be released. It made sense, since EA is positioning Battlefield 3 to be a Call of Duty killer, and a pre-release demo would be a fine way to lure Call of Duty regulars to try out Battlefield in the fall while waiting for the next installment of Activision’s juggernaut. Bach did not specifically call out a demo, but answered positively to a question about a demo, not giving any details on gameplay. An EA spokesperson has said that Patrick Bach, when telling MSXbox-World of a pre-release demo, was actually referring to the multiplayer beta.

The only details available on Battlefield 3’s features are the inclusions of a single-player campaign and an online multiplayer mode, the latter of which can be played with up to 64 players on the PC version. There will also be a co-op mode allowing multiple players to play through the campaign. Battlefield 3 is slated for a Fall 2011 release date, and will be released for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Make sure to keep checking Player Affinity as we report on the game's development in the future. 


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