Turn off the Lights

Greg Pak is the New Writer for Action Comics

Ever since Grant Morrison left Action Comics there have been problems with getting an official creative team on the series. Tony S. Daniel and Andy Diggle were going to be the new creative team, but they left the series. Andy Diggle left after only one issue and Tony S. Daniel finished the first story arc. So, fans have been pondering on who will be the new writer for the series. But how long will they stay on for?

It was announced that Greg Pak will be the new writer for the series. Aaron Kuder will be the new artist. They will be starting with issue #25 in November. Greg Pak has done a lot of work with Marvel in the past. He is most known for his work on Planet Hulk and World War Hulk. Aaron Kuder has worked on Green Lantern New Guardians and Marvel Universe Vs. The Avengers.

What do you guys think about the new creative team? How long do you think they will stay on the series? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.



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