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Guillermo Del Toro to direct a Haunted Mansion reboot

Fresh off his shocking departure from The Hobbit films, Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro has found himself with time on his hands. So, he's has attached himself to a remake/reboot of The Haunted Mansion for Disney.

Del Toro appeared on stage at Comic Con following the completion of the TRON: Legacy panel immediately announcing his commitment to the project, which like the “Pirates of the Caribbean,” films was inspired by a theme park ride.

You may remember (as much as you may try to forget) the critically maligned 2003 film starring Eddie Murphy but the comedian will not be brought back for this revamp. Del Toro joked that they are “not returning Eddie Murphy’s calls.”

hatboxghostpicThe live action film will be in 3-D and will be true to the spirit of the original mansion says Del Toro. It will be “scary and fun" and "not a comedy." He continues that “if you take your children to this movie, they will scream.”

Del Toro plans to bring back the iconic Hatbox Ghost, which was originally a staple of the Disneyland ride.

The announcement was the first big Comic Con panel surprise. It was preceded by none other than Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp, if you're confused) reminding us that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is also in the pipe for Disney. Depp mentioned all the new creatures (including mermaids and apparently zombies) that will accompany this film's adventure to the fountain of youth.



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