Gwenpool Gets Her Own Ongoing Series
Last week Marvel announced that Gwenpool was getting her own ongoing series. Gwenpool was first introduced as a one-off character on a variant cover. People started to cosplay as her at San Diego Comic Con and then Marvel saw the popularity of the character. Now she has her own back-up story in the new
Howard the Duck series and was the star of this year's holiday comic. In the holiday special we find out she is actually not related to Gwen Stacy. Her name is Gwen Poole.

The new ongoing series is called
The Unbelievable Gwenpool, which will be released in April 2016. Christopher Hastings will be writing the book with art team Gurihiru.
I enjoyed Gwenpool's story in the holiday special, but I am not totally convinced that Gwenpool needs an ongoing series. Are you excited about the Gwenpool series? Are you going to pick it up in April? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.