A Hero Dies in Squadron Supreme #1
Squadron Supreme is due to be released in December as part of All-New, All-Different Marvel, but this week Marvel revealed that there would be a major death in the first issue of
Squadron Supreme. This major death will be Namor AKA Sub-Mariner.

James Robinson in an interview stated that it's bittersweet to kill off the hero, but it will bring a lot of interesting stories to
Squadron Supreme. Namor destroyed Dr. Spectrum's world; this shows there are consequences to your actions.
I am not a big Namor fan, but this does get me interested in reading the
Squadron Supreme book. It seems like this is a type of hero team we haven't seen in the Marvel universe. Are you excited to grab
Squadron Supreme #1 in December? Does this event make you want to buy the book? Are you upset that Marvel revealed this information before the book was released? Let us know in the comments below.