Daomu, which translates to "tomb raider," explores an underground world that has been active in China for thousands of years. After witnessing his father's violent murder, Sean Liu discovers that his family belongs to a secret society of tomb raiders. Led by his uncle, Sean joins an elite team of Daomu to go deep underground in search of answers. Who are they? Who—or what—killed Sean's father? And what horrors await beneath the earth's surface? With a distinctive digital art style and high-energy adventures steeped in Chinese tradition and superstition, the comic series will follow Sean's coming of age as a modern-day tomb raider and his quest to uncover the truth behind his father's death.
The Daomu Bi Ji or "tomb raider's journal" novel series on which the comics are based has become a sensation in China since its debut in 2007, reaching well over 20 million fans. Concept Art House, a leading digital art and entertainment company with a focus on transmedia storytelling, is responsible for the popular novel's conversion to graphic format. Their first Daomu graphic novel released in Asia in early 2010 and quickly secured the #2 spot on Dangdang.com, China's leading ecommerce website. Though Western audiences have long embraced Japanese comics and cartoons, Daomu's arrival in the U.S. is a first for a high-profile Chinese entertainment property.
"The quality of comics in China is exceptional," says Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson. "Daomu is no exception. Daomu has exemplary digital art and an outstanding story. We're excited to be bringing this amazing graphic novel to the United States for its first English translation."
"American comics are extremely popular among Chinese comic book fans due to their great stories and amazing artwork. We believe the American audience will loveDaomu for the same reasons," says James Zhang, Concept Art House's CEO. "Image is a great partner, not only because they understand quality art and story, but also because they truly respect the creator's vision. We're thrilled to be working with Image to introduce Daomu to the U.S."