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Iron Fist Receives an Ongoing Series for March

This week Marvel announced that they will be releasing an Iron Fist ongoing title in March, the same month the Iron Fist Netflix show will be premiering. Ed Brisson (Peter Panzerfaust, Rat Queens) will be writing the series and Mike Perkins (Carnage) will be pencilling the book. ironfist1 The book will be continuing the story where his last ongoing series (Iron Fist: The Living Weapon) left off. It will be focusing on Danny's interaction with a civilization of people who are well-versed in Iron Fist's lineage. It will be interesting to see how this series coincides with Power Man and Iron Fist, the current series Danny is starring in. What are your thoughts on the new Iron Fist title? Is this a book you are excited for? What does this mean for Power Man and Iron Fist? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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