Men in Black III is one of those movies that, according to all accepted rules of moviemaking, shouldn't be nearly as good as it is. Here we've got the third installment of a high-concept comedy that's 10 years out from a brutally disappointing sequel. Its star hasn't been in a movie in nearly four years; its budget was astronomical; its script wasn't even complete at the time of shooting. And to top it all off, it's about time travel, a genre based on the kind of careful forethought and planning that doesn't always mix well with the looseness of a broadly appealing comedy.
But it works, somehow, and its that ability to surprise after all these years that proves to be "MIB3's" best asset. Oddly enough, this doesn't come through all that well in film's first third, reportedly the only act fully written once filming began. A long 14 years since joining the Men in Black program, things haven't changed all that much for Agent J (Will Smith), as he and Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) continue to act as a first-response clean-up crew for alien activity in New York that risks exposing the presence of extraterrestrial life on earth.
Smith has been in heaters since 2008's middling Seven Pounds, and his age lines will clue you in to the time gap since the original Men in Black better than anything else, but you wouldn't know it from the infectious energy he continues to bring with him on screen. His mostly one-sided bantering with the typically gruff K lets the pace roll over all the bits and gags that land with a thud, and the opening half hour has plenty. Having Emma Thompson make funny noises for what feels like five minutes as new MIB leader O is a considerable waste of talent.
Part of the charm of the "Men in Black" franchise has been its ability to handle heady, galaxy-spanning concepts and simplify them to their most enjoyable, the results being no different once the series decides to tackle time travel. It's a fun first policy that make Doc Brown's guidelines on the subject seem like Stephen Hawking compared to all of "MIB's" silly quirks, such as a craving for chocolate milk being a symptom of the timeline getting screwy and a climax that rejiggers the rules we've already established with no explanation.
Completely out of character with most comedies, there's a real sense of personal stake that accompanies J and K's usual mission to save the world, which creates a backbone for the film to lean on between the entertaining action set pieces, such as a downtown car chase on a pair of uni-bikes that look like the revolving lenses from the opening credits to Game of Thrones. It's unfortunate that the film goes long stretches without being especially funny (the exception being a gut-busting scene featuring SNL's Bill Hader as Andy Warhol), but it's almost always thoroughly enjoyable. And as a bonus, the worn-out sidekicks of the worms and Frank the pug are all but absent this time around, leaving more time for the actual stars.
Steven thought: "There's no logical reason that Men in Black III should be as good as it is — it's a head-scratcher for even the most open and embracing blockbuster junkies among us. My feeling is the big secret is that there's not a whole lot of time needed to re-acclimate. The Smith/Jones dynamic (not to mention the black guy/white guy and hip young guy/curmudgeonly old guy dynamic) is a familiar one no matter how many miles it has on it, and Sonnenfeld has made it work before. It's not and especially funny movie, instead it's just rather clever, but the plot is straightforward with clear stakes, and Smith, Jones and Josh Brolin (who you'll have to remind yourself is in fact Brolin, not young Jones) somehow make you care 10 years later. Men in Black III is fun, likable and entertaining, even if you can't think of a good reason why, which might just speak to the franchise's potential as a whole and certainly to its strong leads." Rating: 7/10