Turn off the Lights

‘Nakama’ x iOS Preview

While surfing the web, I came across a very slick and original concept. Well, I wouldn’t call it surfing so much as trying not to asphyxiate in quicksand. Anyways, looking around, I stumbled upon Nakama; a side scrolling ninja melee experience of epic and indie proportions. Nakama, meaning “friends”, sees less of blood and more of frenzied action while trying to save your ninja brethren. As the gameplay continues, each successful save indentures their service to your sword (that doesn’t sound p.c. does it?).


Having the no longer retro-looking “retro-look”, it feels like something unique and ambitious. It packs 24 levels and 7 bosses to punch, kick, and chop. Having said that, how all this comes together is still beyond me; many of the combos look great but again, there is a lot happening on-screen so it remains to be seen if all this potential is as great packaged as its parts. After recently being picked up by Crescent Moon Games, I’m banking on the delivery of Nakama being something special.


This summer has been killer when it comes to mobile apps like 868-hack and Junk Jack X. Hopefully the blitz of fantastic iOS games rolls into fall just as furiously. Keep watch as Nakama is booked to the AppStore and Google Play in the upcoming weeks.


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