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New Borderlands 2 Trailer Takes a Trip to the Jungle

Turns out those guys at Gearbox are still working on a little FPS known as Borderlands 2. You can’t help but respect the developer for anything less than their complete reverence for utter seriousness of video game making. Their first trailer supported the idea of something like 95.3% more wub wub, which we all know is essential to the video game making process to craft a successful modern game. Yet again Gearbox has created another trailer stating their proclivity for seriousness and true-to-life realism and what it takes to be respected in the FPS world.

The trailer shows off some new monsters, guns, characters, story hints, and has the same lovable mentality… Borderlands 2 is looking very promising to say the least. If you were not excited for this game before you should be now. I put my excited pants on just like everyone else, one leg at a time, but now at least I have a theme song to go along with it. “Ah weeeee, ya da da deee a bum bum bum away. A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh, a weimoweh”.


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