And Now A Message From The Power Rangers
If you've ever watched an episode of
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, chances are you may have caught one of the public service announcements at the end of each show. Moving along in the vein of announcements, according to Dave McNary over at
Variety, a franchise reboot of the hugely successful TV show is officially in the works thanks to an agreement between
Power Rangers power producer, Haim Saban, and Lionsgate, studio behind other hugely successful franchises from
Twilight to
The Hunger Games to
1993 was the year Saban launched the original Mig
hty Morphin Power Rangers live-action series, which has been in continuous production for well over 20 years, packaged and repackaged under different names. The current series being
Power Rangers Super Megaforce, which debuted in February.

The first
Power Rangers movie was produced by Saban and released in 1995; it was largely successful, taking in well over $60 million at the box office. Its 1997 successor,
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, also produced by Saban, took in only $9 million and effectively stifled any future film plans for other iterations of the Rangers. That is, until now.
So what say you, dear Fusers? Excited about this absolutely morphinomenal bit of news? Let us know in the comments and power up!