Turn off the Lights

Player Affinity Giveaways

Player Affinity is thrilled to present the start of our giveaway marathon. We are very thankful for the support that we have received and we are always looking out for our fans with limited ads, trustworthy information… and now giveaways!

That’s right, swag. So what do we have to giveaway? Unless you are looking for the kitchen sink, we have what you want. For the rest of the month we will be giving out at least one prize, sometimes several in a day, which includes XBL/PSN DLC, map packs, beta keys, and of course shirts. You simply need to keep an eye on Player Affinity to find the specifics, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

About our Giveaways:
In order for us to keep giving away free swag we will need all the support and participation of our fans, so please invite your friends and have them participate too. We have so much stuff you are bound to win.

How will I know about the giveaways?
Follow us on twitter and register to the forums. We will be announcing every giveaway there. You must be a member of the forum to participate.

Am I qualified to win 2 giveaways in a row?
Sadly no, we want to give everyone a chance to win so if you win a giveaway, you are no longer eligible to win anymore in that month. However, in the next month you will become qualified once again.

How am I going to receive my winnings?
For beta keys and DLC, we will private message you on twitter or send you an email. If you win a physical prize then we will ask for your shipping address and ship it to you free of charge. All shipping information is confidential.

Have any more questions? Email me at [email protected]

Best of luck!


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