Turn off the Lights

Possible New Nintendo IP

Objectively speaking, Nintendo had one of the strongest E3 press conferences this year. Subjectively speaking, said presentation was also the most satiating. However, if you fancy yourself an uber-cynic, then there may be even more Nintendo-centric news to eat away at the black hole that is your heart. On July 29, during a shareholders meeting in the company’s Kyoto headquarters, Shigeru Miyamoto started dropping hints of “a new character.”

Starting with a Q&A session, Miyamoto started speaking of activities currently holding his interests, some of which included swimming and being part of a youth help organization. As history denotes, when Miyamoto usually speaks of hobbies along comes new intellectual property. Hence was the case with Pikmin and Miyamoto’s love of gardening.

Fortunately, for those who would rather not read between the lines, Miyamoto then provided more solid hints towards a new Nintendo character possibly being in the works. “It’s been nearly 10 years since I made the Pikmin character, so I feel this is the year where I must at long last make a new character,” said Miyamoto. “I think that next year I can probably deliver something new.”

More interestingly, Miyamoto also commented on current projects in development. According to the game designer and producer, Nintendogs + Cats will be finished soon. Speaking of Pikmin, Miyamoto also stated, “Among my present promises, I have to finish Pikmin quickly, so production is progressing extremely well.”


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