The brothers are taking over the franchise from Joss Whedon, who directed The Avengers (2012) and the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron, due May 1, 2015. The Avengers was a juggernaut, grossing a massive $1.5 billion worldwide. Many critics applauded Whedon's style of mixing sly humor and genuine emotion, along with handling a large cast with ease. Audiences and critics will get a chance to see if Whedon's sequel can replicate the magic of the first movie.
For the Russo brothers, this makes four Marvel films, the most Marvel has ever committed to a director. Whedon will have directed only two Avengers movies, and Jon Favreau helmed only two Iron Man films.
Time will tell if the Russo brothers can replicate the critical and commercial success of Whedon's achievement. Based on their track record so far, the franchise appears to be in good hands.