Numbers show that the newly relaunched comic title The All New Batman: The Brave and The Bold gained new readers during the November release date of its first issue. The first issue of the series had Batman and Superman teaming-up to stop theft in the Bottle city of Kandor. The appearance of Superman was probably the reason why there was an increase in readers. This new volume of Batman comics showed a greater deal of readers than the previous volume. Sales improved to nearly 40% with the final issue of the Batman: The Brave and The Bold series ending with 22 issues. Batman: The Brave and The Bold #22 hit shelves on October 27, 2010, and The All New Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1 came out on the 10th of November.
Batman: The Brave and The Bold #22 – 6,044*
The All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1 – 8,408*
*This marks the number of readers
So will you be jumping onto the All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold series? With this good news, it looks like even when the series will air off TV, the comic book will still have its dedicated readers.