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Sales Numbers On Batman The Brave And The Bold Comics

The sales numbers are in for fan-favorite TV Series turned into a comic, Batman Brave and The Bold. Batman Brave and The Bold have opened its doors for other types of income to make the TV show more-and-more popular. From toys to clothes, those types of merchandise didn’t write the big check for Batman The Brave and The bold. Surprisingly the comic series is the greatest avenue of income and publicity for the show.

Numbers show that the newly relaunched comic title The All New Batman: The Brave and The Bold gained new readers during the November release date of its first issue. The first issue of the series had Batman and Superman teaming-up to stop theft in the Bottle city of Kandor. The appearance of Superman was probably the reason why there was an increase in readers. This new volume of Batman comics showed a greater deal of readers than the previous volume. Sales improved to nearly 40% with the final issue of the Batman: The Brave and The Bold series ending with 22 issues. Batman: The Brave and The Bold #22 hit shelves on October 27, 2010, and The All New Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1 came out on the 10th of November.

Batman: Brave and the Bold #1Batman: The Brave and The Bold #22 – 6,044*

The All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold #1 – 8,408*

*This marks the number of readers

So will you be jumping onto the All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold series? With this good news, it looks like even when the series will air off TV, the comic book will still have its dedicated readers.


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