Today it was announced that Smallville will have a comic book series to continue the story of where the television show left off last year on the series finale. It will show Clark Kent of Smallville try to get use to being Superman, but the series will also revolve around supporting characters like Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, and Lois Lane. This will be very different from the characters from Dc comics and bring us the characters we know and love from Smallville.
The comic book will first come out on Dc Digital Comics and the release date of the first chapter in a digital format will be April 13th, 2012. But don’t worry for those of you that do not want to get a digital copy you can get a printed copy available May 16th , 2012. There will be 12 chapters for the first story arc for us to enjoy in this series.
The book will be in good hands with Bryan Q Miller on board as writer of this series. He has had experience writing these characters because he was a writer on Smallville, but he is not just a television writer he also has had experience with comic books. One of his popular titles was the Batgirl series right before the Dc Reboot. The artist for the series will be Pere Perez who also has had experience with comic books and working with Bryan Q Miller because he also worked on Batgirl with him before the Dc reboot.
I know that I am very excited to read this title because I have been a big fan of the television series since season 1. I can’t wait to see how the story will continue with our favorite characters and how they will be different in a comic book compared to the television screen. What do you guys think? Are you excited for the series? Will you buy it in digital or printed? Tell us in the comments below.