With a title like that, you know it has to be Star Wars. The Star Wars: Invasion series is Dark Horse's first set in the New Republic continuity that has been covered by the Del Rey novels. This book is the first in five of the Revelations saga and works as #12 in the overall Invasion line. Does that make it a decent addition to the galaxy far, far away?
For those not up to speed, a quick recap is in order. A long time ago, some Jedi returned. There were some hiccups, but the Jedi returning seemed pretty decent and more continued to return. Then the Yuuzhan Vong showed up. Entirely unannounced, these space invaders from another universe had a less than favorable impression of the New Republic. Specifically, their complaint was that they did not rule over all its inhabitants. Now, most people weren't too concerned, because, hey, the Jedi had returned. Only problem was the Jedi could not feel the Yuuzhan Vong in the Force. This disadvantage, coupled with the warrior race's powerful organic technology, has made things a bit of an uphill struggle for our Luke and company.
In the opening moments of Revelations, Master Skywalker, noticeably aged at this point, stands with only a few remaining warriors against the mighty Yuuzhan Vong army. Elsewhere, the young Finn Gallifrey, I mean, Galfridian hangs out with his eccentric Jedi teacher. Finn's claim to fame is being the only Jedi who can actually sense the Yuuzhan Vong. He still has a lot to learn, but obviously this character is meant to play a large role in the upcoming events of the lengthy Yuuzhan Vong war.
As a piece to the puzzle of finally defeating the Yuuzhan Vong and ending the conflict, this is an interesting component. Being able to actually feel the warriors through the Force is a new development that might tip the scale of things. However, as a snapshot in the life of Finn Galfridian, it is a bit lacking. Unfortunately, Revelations #1 suffers from what I have come to call "story transition syndrome." More often than not, starting a new story gets an entire issue that serves the purpose of establishing what we need to know for the story to work. Obviously, all stories need a beginning, but when I am paying for a single comic to entertain me, this typically just ends up being boring. There are a couple different plotlines going on besides Finn's, so that certainly helps to keep things interesting. Ultimately, though, the focus is on setting up whatever it is Finn and his freckled sister, Some Chick: Warrior Princess, will be doing for the next four issues.
Oddly, I have trouble giving a full recommendation to a Star Wars fan. There is actually some decent humor to be had here, but it does not sound like humor in the Star Wars universe. It's funny when a guard gets Jedi-mind-tricked and decides "I will buy shoes," but, at least to me, it did not sound like Star Wars. Where is the jargon we have come to love? In one way this may be off-putting, but I would like to think that it might also make it more inviting for non-Star Wars fans.
Altogether, I was not especially impressed with Star Wars: Invasion—Revelations #1, but it was a decent read. I had no issues with the art, but there was nothing that really jumped out at me either. It is interesting to see a visual representation of the Yuuzhan Vong after they have been confined to novels for so long, but this is not the first time they've been seen. As you can probably tell, I have a lot of "this, but that" feelings about the book. Perhaps once the story gets going the Revelations storyline will be most impressive. On its own, Star Wars: Invasion—Revelations #1 is like hearing a million voices cry out mostly in indifference. Mostly, mind you. There are a million of them. Hard to get an absolute consensus.