Supergirl Gets a New Digital First Series
Supergirl New 52 series was cancelled back in May, and now eight months later DC Comics has announced that they will have a new
Supergirl digital first series that will be connected to the CBS television show titledĀ
Adventures of Supergirl.

The series is set to be released on January 25th, 2016 on digital platforms as a 13 chapter series. Sterling Gates, who has written
Supergirl in the past, will be writing the series with Bengal drawing the first three chapters. Then there will be rotating artists with Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lapacchino and Emma Vieceli drawing the rest of the chapters. As of right now there is no plan to print this in single issue format like the other DC TV tie-in series.
I think it's great that we are finally getting a new
Supergirl series, especially with the popularity of the new TV series on CBS. What do you think of this new series? Are you happy with the creative team? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.