Turn off the Lights

Take an Inside Look of Mad Men Season Six

The countdown to the April 7th premiere of Mad Men continues and as time nears the season six debut AMC offers an inside look into the upcoming season. Accompanied with various clips from the fifth season, members of the cast along with writer and creator Matthew Weiner share their thoughts on the much-anticipated new season.

The previous season left audiences with a considerable amount of uncertainty and anticipation as shocking changes impacted our favorite Madison Avenue advertising agency (Peggy quits, Lane commits suicide, SCDP wins the Jaguar account). There is notable anticipation for the new season and where the characters are going. Weiner describes the season as a “real journey into learning about Don,” not much of a surprise there since the show has always been about Don and his experiences in the milieu of the 60s. He also hints at possible social themes and topics making their way into the narrative and hopefully affecting the characters in significant ways. The series has been successful in integrating important historical issues and moment into various storylines in the past and the social unrest in the late sixties will surely provide a great backdrop for the season’s narrative.

Of course, there is no explicit discussion about character or narrative situations, as always the statements made are cryptic and vague. If there is anything certain about where the sew season will go is the unexpected. As Jessica Pare, who plays Megan Draper, explains, “It’s not what you think is coming, it’s not coming in the way that you thought it was coming, its probably not coming at all.” Jon Hamm, Don Draper, expresses a similar view describing the show as a “novel that doesn’t repeat its beats a lot.” The various descriptions suggest a sense of a new era or phase for the characters both in their personal and professional lives. Certainly the prospect is intriguing and welcome.

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