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The Walking Dead sells 8.5 Million Episodes

Telltale Games must be pretty happy right now. Not only has their game, The Walking Dead recieved fantastic reviews and numerous game of the year awards (including Entertainment Fuse’s own award) but now we hear of some pretty astonishing sales numbers. To date, the series has sold over 8.5 million epsiodes across all platforms. Wow.

Remember that the first season was split into five episodes so if we assume everyone who played bought all of them, which is highly unlikely, the game has roughly 1.7 million players so far. Expect these numbers to continue to grow as the game continues to be a huge hit.

Also the biggest seller on all platforms has been iOS with the game gaining 25% of it’s revenue from this version only. This is probably due to gamers of that platform more used to multiple smaller purchases for a game unlike the console counterparts. It was also featured on Apple’s ‘Hall of Fame’ for gaming apps which helped gain attention for the game.

With a second season already announced, the expectations could not be any higher for where the series will go. Telltale, it’s over to you.


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