Trinity of Sin #2 Review
"The Blame Game"
The Trinity of Sin has been a concept that has drawn nothing but ire from DC fans since it was first introduced near the start of the “New 52”. Even when titles like the acclaimed Phantom Stranger drew audiences, the concept looked like a weight around the neck of “potential”.

So, two issues into the self-titled
Trinity of Sin team book and readers everywhere have been given a chance to see if they can really hold their own as a draw. If this trio of ill-planned magic users can really hook in a fanbase or even, less importantly to sales, if it could have the least chance to be good. J.M. DeMatteis has a lot of stored good will, so hopes were moderate.
The first issue, which I did not review but will sum up, was nothing more than your standard recap of the primary players in the story. It briefly mentioned their current status quos and even briefer bits about the states of their personality. Not incredible, but average, and while not what we were hoping for from DeMatteis, miles ahead of what they were expecting from the Sinners.

This latest installment is when things get rolling, and in the most entertaining ways possible. There’s a lot to be said about team books where each member of said team actively dislike each other. Sometimes it can be pulled off, but other (more plentiful) times it just leads to aggravating writing and a bunch of cardboard non-characters. It’s a delicate balance and JMD does well.
The Question in particular, the most volatile and hostile of the three, gets some shining moments in this issue. People have been clamoring for someone to do anything with that faceless detective for years and DeMatteis doesn’t waste any time in making his mark. His Question gets moments of pathos and personality, nothing too complex yet but appreciated and understandable.

The other two are placed in the background this issue. This may annoy readers who wanted to see them all interact together. It may especially irritate those who really wanted more Phantom Stranger, since JMD did such great work on him before. Overall I’m pleased with the arrangement as is, since off the bat Question is the one who needs the focus more than they do.
Yvel Guichet, also known to some as the artist, has been a surprisingly good fit for the series. It’s a bit like a Saturday morning cartoon, but that’s what it’s sort of going for. Not to give too much away but the world more or less ends because they three cannot get along. I can’t wait to see the three face that challenge in the next issue, post any thoughts of your own below.
- The Question gets real focus
- No time is wasted and gets to the point
- Guichet's art fits the light tone of the book
- Phantom Stranger and Pandora sidelined
- Maybe a bit too generic in points