Prepare for Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn, signaling the biggest changes to ever hit the Ultimate Comics Universe! With all new titles and all new creative teams, fans new and old can’t miss out on this great entry point into the Ultimate Comics Universe. This August, following the traumatic events of Death of Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn kicks off in August with ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES #1 and ULTIMATE COMICS HAWKEYE #1, followed by ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN #1 and ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #1 in September – each featuring covers by superstar artist Kaare Andrews!
“Kaare is doing the best work of his career with these covers,” said Marvel Senior Editor Mark Paniccia. “With Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn, all of the titles will be tighter than ever, so when it came time to think up ideas and concepts for the covers – we wanted a sense of unity to tie the books together. At the same time we wanted striking covers that jump out at you on the stands. Kaare’s bold design sense made him a natural choice.”
A new era begins as our heroes struggle to find their place within the Ultimate Comics Universe so be the first to your comic shops this August to see what all the buzz is about in ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES #1 and ULTIMATE COMICS HAWKEYE #1.
So in all their wisdom, Marvel once again brings back it's shiming jewel that is the Ultimate line. It's a great start for new readers and I for one really, really, really hope Jeph Lobe stop caring about stuff because you remember what he did last time. Yeah, and no Ultimate Fantistic Four, so get over it.