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Watch Dogs Hitting Wii U & Playstation 4

During tonight’s PlayStation 4 unveil, Ubisoft announced that their surprise new IP from E3 2012, Watch Dogs, was hitting Sony’s next generation console for launch, but the PS4 wasn’t the only console to also an announcement of the game.

After the event, Ubisoft put out a press release about the announcement of the new PS4 version, but the email also let the cat out of the bag of a Wii U version as well.

While it was heavily hinted that the Wii U and PS4 were getting Watch Dogs, Ubisoft never officially said anything until tonight. Earlier in the week, GameStop and Amazon started taking reserves of a Wii U version along with the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3; and GameStop has signs currently in stores stating that the game will hit “all home consoles” this holiday season, assuming that both Ubisoft was hinting that the game would hit unannounced systems in addition to Wii U. It will be interesting to see how different the Wii U version is different from the others especially if there are unique gamepad controls. Which version of Watch Dogs are you excited for more? Let us know in the comments below.


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