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DmC: Devil May Cry Difficulty Levels Detailed

Capcom has revealed four new difficulty levels for Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot; they're pretty crazy to say the least. If you're dying for a challenge, or just love getting humiliated again and again, check out what you can expect when you grab a copy:

  • Son of Sparda - Remixed enemy layouts, tougher enemies and enemy behavior throughout.
  • Dante Must Die - As above, but contains the strongest enemies and insane attack waves.
  • Heaven or Hell - Another remixed mode, but everyone and everything, including Dante, dies after one hit. Supremely satisfying!
  • Hell and Hell - The same as above, but only Dante dies after one hit. For serious contenders.

Hell and Hell just looks nearly impossible. If you're dying to get your hands on the game, the demo drops on November 20th. Hopefully that'll hold you over until the game hits shelves in January 15, 2013 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. 


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