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Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon Set For Spring 2011 Release

At TGS it was announced that the next Earth Defense Force game would be coming out. Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is set for a Spring 2011 release date. The game will feature 150 weapons, a six-player Survival Mode, and a three-player online co-op mode. Hopefully with all of that they will fix some of the problems, or at least get the frame rate issues taken care of. 

For those who have played an Earth Defense force game you know why they're awesome. It hits that sweet spot between genius game, and seriously f**king annoying. The one great thing I neglected to mention is that it's being developed by the same people who did the seriously great underrated Matt Hazard games. Saying that this is awesome is a understatement. If anyone can pump out an interesting game it's them. We'll see though when we get it some time this spring. 



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