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Nicolas Cage’s Stolen Comic Found

Nearly a decade ago Nicolas Cage's prized possession, an original copy of Action Comics #1 worth $1.5 million because it was Superman's first appearance, was stolen from him. The comic book was recently found in a storage locker in San Fernando Valley.

Cage is a huge comic book fan, so much so he changed his name to Nicolas Cage after his favorite comic book character Luke Cage. He was scheduled to play Superman in Tim Burton's Superman movie in the 90's, close to the time when his rare comic book was stolen.

The LAPD are still looking for the thief and are currently keeping Cage's comic book locked away in a safe until the crook is caught. Hopefully Cage will get his comic book back soon – I know I would be a bit steamed if after ten years my comic was finally found and it still could not be returned to me – and the thief will be found.

Only question is, where was Superman when Cage needed him?

Nicholas Cage and his stolen Comic Book Action Comics #1 with Superman 


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About / Bio
An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.

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