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Rumor: Mario Level Creator, Mario Maker, To Be Unveiled At E3

According to a leaked pic of Nintendo’s E3 booth, we might see a make-your-own Mario game announced next week.
Coming from to Nintendo Enthusiast, this pic shows off the early stages of Nintendo’s E3 booth. Most of the booth isn’t built yet, with 3DS stands without systems or game info, but there are some posters for Super Smash Bros. and a pic of a title that looks like you make your own levels using Super Mario Bros. assets, dubbed Mario Maker.
If this ends up true, you may think Nintendo’s ripping off LittleBigPlanet, but Nintendo’s made a bunch of games with their own level editor, from Mario vs. Donkey Kong to Pushmo to Picross DS to WarioWare DIY. All of those titles had/have the capability to upload them online and share your creations, so if it is true, expect that function with it.
Nintendo’s Digital Event starts on Tuesday at 12PM EST/9AM PST, so we’ll see then. If this pic is legit, Nintendo should be happy that’s all that was leaked.


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