Turn off the Lights

XBLA Price Cuts are Abound! Until April 7th.

Thankfully, this is not a very poor April Fools Day joke. Ten, from what I hear, decent little XBLA games have had their prices slashed until April 7th.
  • Mad Tracks (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Super Street Fighter II HD Remix (560 Microsoft Points)
  • Age of Booty (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Wallace & Gromit Episode 1 (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Luminess Live (400 Microsoft Points)
  • South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Track & Field (240 Microsoft Points)
  • Defense Grid (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Schizoid (400 Microsoft Points)
  • Rocket Riot (400 Microsoft Points)
I have actually only played, out of those 10, Rocket Riot and South Park Let's Go Shenanigans. Both well worth the price, but Rocket Riot is definitely the superior one. A very cute, lovable, time-sucking game.


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