Dan Harmon Talks Community Season Six

Community’s last minute revival, details on the upcoming season have been cloudy at best. We still don’t have an exact premiere date, what the characters will be getting into, or how markedly the move to Yahoo will affect the series, but a recent interview with show creator Dan Harmon,
offers some promising information. No, there aren’t any story details revealed or anything, but Human Beings will be relieved to hear that Harmon has no plans to change the beloved show in any crazy, cyber-focused, drastic way.
Harmon states:
“I want it to feel enough like the Community that people love that they can think of it that way. If there's benefits to being on Yahoo instead of NBC I think it's going to have a lot to do with the fact that, now, watching the show on your computer isn't a crime.
But as far as the length of the show, the pacing of the show, the tone of the show, I think it would be a mistake to suddenly have everyone saying the word "sh--" every five minutes or smoking cigarettes or running people over with their cars or having the episodes be 40 minutes long.”
In addition to Harmon’s reassuring words we do learn that production will begin in November so perhaps a spring debut? We can only hope.
Harmon also took to Twitter to dispel some of the rumours that cast member Alison Brie might not be returning for the sixth season. Many fans were feeling discouraged after Brie didn't attend the show's Comic-Con panel and was quite
vague concerning her future participation in the show on a previous interview. Fear not, Annie fanatics, Harmon
"The rumour about Alison Brie not returning is utterly, 100 percent false. I'd add a joke but I don't want to be unclear. She's coming back.”
We are definitely looking forward to see what Community will be like in this new venue and with all of its remaining cast. Are you?