Is Dwayne Johnson going to be the next Green Lantern?
The casting for DC Comics properties have been pretty crazy lately, but this latest news seems to feel just right. Dwayne Johnson (
Pain & Gain,
Fast & Furious 6) seems to be teasing fans that he's set to play John Stewart in either the upcoming
Superman VS Batman or the long rumored
Justice League movie. Back in December, Johnson had stated that he had met with Warner Brothers, for a DC Comics project for 2014. Now, recently Johnson has used both Instagram and Twitter to hint at him playing the character. First using the hashtag #JohnStewartCanStillWhupSupermansAss on an Instagram photo, only to then respond to
IGN inquiring about the post with him saying that #LaternCanWhupSuperman.

While the Jessie Eisenberg casting has upset plenty of fans, the rumors of Johnson taking the reigns of John Stewart would make Green Lantern fanboys ecstatic. The charisma and presence that Johnson would bring to the character of John Stewart would certainly amazing and while I still stand by the casting of Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, I believe that this casting choice would make pure sense.
How would you feel if Dwayne Johnson was really playing John Stewart? Feel free to let us know in the comments below or in the forums!