Turn off the Lights

E3 Continues to Stay at Los Angeles Till 2015

The Entertainment Software Association, the ESA for short, announced today where the Electronic Entertainment Expo, aka E3, will be at for the next three years. It turns out they it will stay at Los Angeles, CA till 2015. However, the expo will not only take place at the LA Convention Center, but also other venues spread throught downtown Los Angeles such as LA Live. This is not the first time E3 will take place at multiple venues because it was last done in 2008 at Santa Monica during the expo's dark days. Members of the press had to use cabs and shuttles to go from one appointment to another, which they weren't a fan of. This might be the case again next year since construction will start up for a new stadium called Farmer's Field while events like E3 are going on, assuming Los Angeles gets a football team for it.

Not only the ESA is excited to be at LA till 2015, but mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is also thrilled to have the biggest video game expo stay put as he even joined in the negotiations in ensuring that it does stay at LA since it does a lot of business for them. Registration has not started yet for next year's show, but E3 2013 will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center and other venues around the area on June 11th to the 13th.


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