Paramount Tweaking Aronofsky’s Noah, due to Religious outcry
The Hollywood Reporter has just announced that Paramount is going into a marketing retooling for Darren Aronofsky's latest film
Noah, due to backlash from The National Religious Broadcasters. CEO Jerry A. Johnson has spoken out over the film and raised the attention to Paramount and in order to not displease the religious audiences that are planning to see the film, they are planning to have a disclaimer over all of the trailers, websites and all ads, in order to state that the film is inspired by Noah of the Book of Genesis of The Bible.

Paramount is trying to find the means to not distance themselves from any potential audience members that would go see the film, which shall be released on March 28th. The film is but one of the few religious films that are being released by Hollywood, which include the latest,
Son of God, Ridley Scott's
Exodus and
Mary, Mother of Christ.