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Sam Raimi Producing The Last of Us Feature Film

While video games have become cinematic over the last 15 years or so, there has yet to be a single franchise that's made the transition into breathtaking cinema. Hopefully, Sam Raimi will be changing that, with his Ghost House Pictures planning to turn Naughty Dog's PS3 hit, The Last of Us, into a full fledged feature film. Deadline reported that Ghost House Pictures will produce the film, with Screen Gems has signed on to handle the distribution of it.    The Last Of Us Delayed to June   The Creative Director of the PS3 game, Neil Druckmann, has been signed on to write the screenplay of the feature film version. For those that have yet to play it, the video game focuses on 20 years in the future, where the United States has been ravaged by a pandemic. You play as Joel, a survivalist and Ellie, a young girl that travels with Joel across the wasteland. Naughty Dog's co-presidents Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra shall also be part of pre-production process, in order to fully realize the video game into a major motion picture. What do you guys think? Is there any need for there to be a film of The Last of Us? Is the video game a prefect encapsulation of what this story has to offer? Please feel free to let us know in the comments below or in our Forum section!


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Ruben Rosario is the head editor of the Movie Department at Entertainment Fuse. He co-hosts The Plot Hole, with Simon Brookfield and has a major love for cinema, comics and anime.

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