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Comic Uno Episode 239 (Hunt for Wolverine #1, The Mighty Thor #706, and More)
April 29, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 238 (Action Comics #1000, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26)
April 25, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 235 (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, #25, Dark Nights Metal #6, and More)
April 2, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 234 (The Mighty Thor #705, Go Go Power Rangers #8, and More)
March 26, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 233 (The New Mutants Dead Souls #1, Eternity Girl #1, and More)
March 20, 2018 | Comic Reviews

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Fraggle Rock v1 #1 – Review

Jim Henson’s Fraggle’s are back with a Archaia Press. Story is very family friendly and although there’s not music and singing the title captures the feel of the original T.V. show. The Dozers and Gorgs and the All-Knowing-Trash-Heap are all back in this fun adventure that teaches lessons while remaining carefree.

The story is broken up into three parts, the first focuses on Gobo and Red. Red grows tired of Gobo always talking about his uncle Traveling Matt, so she challenges Gobo’s own bravery. Red throws down the challenge of spending the night in the Gorg Garden. The Gorg’s are giants that can easily capture the Fraggles, giving the Fraggles extra reason to fear them. Gobo accepts Red’s challenge and the two make their way to the garden entrance. Red will sleep at the end of the cave while Gobo survives the night.

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Superman: War of the Supermen 2 of 4

The 100 minute war continues as the now homeless Kryptonians move to invade Earth. Contrary to the events in Brightest Day, Earth has a Military Base on Mars with Soldiers waiting for the Kryptonians. The two armies begin engaging each other with murderous intents, leaving the question of where Superman and Supergirl are. The story continues the trend of silent pages filled with Space battles until it’s convenient to move the story to a location with sound. In this battle an upset Supergirl lashes out at Superman when she sees a surviving Kryptonian flag. It’s amazing that the flag survived a blast that destroyed a race of super people, but that seems to have escaped the writers.

After calming Supergirl down, with his fists, Superman figures out what’s bothering her. Supergirl feels responsible for the destruction of New Krypton and doesn’t know what to do next. Superman and her decide that the best thing to do is to stop both sides from killing each other before two planets are destroyed. They enter the battle and do what Superman does best, show restraint. Not only must they be careful with the Earthlings, they also must show a different amount of care when dealing with the Kryptonians.    

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Kevin Smith’s Kato #1 – Review

Dynamite delivers another interesting Green Hornet story tie-in. This tale follows two families: The first is Kato’s family. He’s returned to Japan, married a young beautiful woman and has a beautiful but rebellious daughter named Mulan. The head of the Juuma family is Hirohito Juuma. Hirohito’s father was sent to prison in America by Kato and Green Hornet, where he eventually died.

Hirohito runs a successful video game company and several Yakuza business. He’s plagued by his siblings’ incompetence and cares only to restore his family’s honor. His father taught him as a child that you do not rest until your family’s honor is restored. If that means blowing up someone’s business then so be it. Hirohito practices day and night in a simulation created by his company. The simulation is a scenario in which Hirohito can fight Kato and Green Hornet. His problem is that they’re too easy to kill. This man lusts for their blood and is willing to destroy his companies in order to exact his revenge.

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Green Hornet Strikes! #1 – Review

Dynamite Entertainment adds another tale of the Green Hornet. This time the tale takes place in the not-so-distant future. Unlike the other Green Hornet titles, the main character of this tale is unknown to the reader. We’re introduced to him breaking into a mob bosses building and taking down two chatty security guards. Breaking from the Green Hornet tradition, this obviously young Hornet wears a gas mask that covers his face. He still wears the traditional green garbs, but carries a gas canister on his back. Right away, he looks like a punked out version of the Hornet.

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Frenemy of the State #1 – Review

What if Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan worked for the C.I.A.? That is basically what Frenemy of the State is about, but don’t be so quick to write it off. The idea is simple and brilliant. How Hollywood or some other entertainment faucet has come up with the idea just proves its brilliance.

Ariana Von Holmberg is the daughter of Actress Katherine Walsh and Count Stefan Von Holmberg. She’s American royalty and famous for being famous. She’s also incredibly smart and physically fit. She’s attending an unbirthday party for one of her friends or frenemy, with ulterior motives. She needs to break into the hosts safe and steel a flash drive for the C.I.A. Ariana didn’t always work for the government. Once she was just like the other celebs drinking, partying, not wearing underwear. Then her boyfriend cheated on her. The catch is that boyfriend’s dad is a Senator and she broke into his home to catch the cheater.

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Titans: Villains For Hire Special

Allow a bold statement to begin this review: Titans Villains for Hire is the reason people read comics. Not specifically this issue, but what the issue does. It is a well organized book full of action and raw emotion.

How much do you know about Slade Wilson the Deathstroke Terminator? This issue would have you believe that you don’t know anything about the man. On the other hand, it will tell you everything you need to know about Ryan Choi the Atom. Ryan ends his school day fighting a man that controls plant life. He’s taught all day, fought a villain and won only to come home to Deathstroke sitting in his living room with a shot gun. Slade makes a statement that sums up the book nicely, “It’s not personal, it’s business.”

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Witchblade #136

The “Almost Human” story line ends with this issue and so does the guest appearance of Aphrodite IV. For those unfamiliar with Aphrodite IV, she’s the fourth in a line of android assassins. She’s been sent to collect a rogue scientist that helped in her creation and has been forced to team up with Sara.

The duo has put aside their differences to navigate the lab of Cyberdata to capture the doctor. Sara has made Aphrodite agree that they’ll bring the doctor to justice and not terminate him on site. Blocking their path, is the next generation of android assassins. Picture Aphrodite split into three then upgraded.

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American Vampire #2

American Vampire continues to be an interesting take on Vampires. Issue two continues the same way as the first by having two stories sharing the issue. In the first half of the book, the story revolves around Pearl, an up-and-coming actress working three jobs to make ends meet in Hollywood. The second story is the origin of Skinner Sweet, a ruthless cowboy criminal that’s been turned into a Vampire.

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G.I. Joe – Real American Hero 155 1/2

Larry Hama returns to G.I. Joe with issue 155 ½. Hama wrote all 155 issues of Marvel’s original G.I. Joe. The run is picking up where he left off with the series now being published by IDW. This issue was one of the free comics from Free Comic Book Day, and is a great jumping-on-point for new and old readers before the series truly begins.

The issue starts off with Cobra Commander storming the Capital Building with a tank! Too bad his dream is ruined by Zartan invading his bed chambers. Obviously upset, Cobra Commander questions Zartan on the importance of his visit. It seems that the Broken Star Liberation Army was successful in launching several attacks on U.S. monuments including the Capital Building. Cobra Commander is very pleased that his dream has come true and that his privately funded army has been successful in executing his plans. Unfortunately for the Baroness, this means the mission she’s currently on has been cancelled.

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CodeBreakers #2 – Review

The search for Stanley continues, as Donald and his team traces the IP that put Stanley in danger. Meanwhile, Stanley is being tortured by Remy, a criminal that’s resurfaced from Donald’s past. Remy has cut off all of the toes on Stanley’s right foot to encourage his work in cracking a code. Donald and his team manage to find the room Stanley was working from, but they were too late to find Stanley. Donald instantly recognizes the codes sprawled over the walls. The team finds that Remy is not so willing to let them follow and sends thugs to get them. After avoiding Remy’s thugs, Donald separates from Lindsay and Malcolm to continue alone. Stanley is relocated to continue working on the mystery code. Lindsay and Malcolm are forced to either give up the search for Stanley or find their own way to bring him home. Lindsay chooses to make her own plan to find him by enlisting the help of a criminal’s wife. It just happens that Lindsay’s responsible for putting her husband behind bars.

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