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Every Mass Effect Comic Ranked
June 1, 2017 | Comic Features
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Games We Love: Devil May Cry 4
February 27, 2017 | PS4 Features
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Games We Love: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
December 13, 2016 | PS4 Features
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Have Platinum Games Lost Their Magic?
October 10, 2016 | PS4 Features
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Top Spooky Games for the Spooky Season
October 6, 2016 | PC Features

PS3 Features

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Tear off your own head in NeverDead… Wait, what?

You had better prepare yourself for ample amounts of crazy before you play NeverDead, the latest IP developed by Rebellion studios and published by Konami appears to be equal parts Devil May Cry and Shadows of the Damned. Now if that doesn’t get you interested to play the game I honestly have no idea what will. Players take on the roll of Bryce, an immortal demon hunter that is on a quest for vengeance and is hell bent on killing the lord of the underworld (sounds familiar eh?). Five hundred years ago, Bryce challenged the aforementioned king of demons and got his wife murdered in the process. As punishment, he was cursed with immortality. The story seems like your usual “guy gets pissed off, guy gets revenge” plot, but for the type of game this appears to be, it’s pretty much what you would expect.

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Why you won’t see the PS4 or the next Xbox in 2012

I’m sure most, if not all of you that are reading this have seen one of the many, many stories that have been popping up over the last few months that say something to the effect of “2012 is the year that new consoles will be released”, now if they’re talking about the Wii U and Vita then they would be correct. But of course they’re not, they are in fact referring to the successors to the Xbox360 and Playstation 3. Now, I’m not saying that I have a crystal ball that has shown me the future, I’m just going to put forward the reasons why you probably won’t be purchasing a new console from Microsoft or Sony in the next 12 months, unless it’s a Vita.

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SoulCalibur V: Preview

I never got into the original SoulCalibur. It was released at a time when I didn’t have much interest at all in fighting games. Fast forward years later to SoulCalibur II and all of a sudden I had found the series within this genre I had been looking for all along. SoulCalibur V is the latest entry in the now long running series and it is looking better than ever.

Unlike most fighting games, SoulCalibur isn’t about kicking and punching or, to an even lesser degree, focused on elaborate combos compared to others.  Instead, every character wields a melee weapon of some kind and is geared towards slow and powerful attacks, fast and nimble strikes, or a more unusual approach such as characters like Voldo who can fight facing backwards or Yoshimitsu who despite appearing in Tekken feels more at home in this series.

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Mass Effect 3 Could Prove To Be One of the Best of 2012

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Our Most Anticipated Games of 2012

The PS3 team go over their number one choices for games that they just can’t wait to get their hands on in 2012.

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Joe’s Top Ten Games of 2011

It’s almost the end of the year, and that means it’s time for the all important “Game of the Year” lists to be unleashed upon the world! At the beginning of each year, I think everyone always has some concerns as to whether or not there will be ten games worth talking about at the end of it. And every time, your worries are always proven unjust.. 2011 has been one of the greatest so far this generation and this list took a lot of time to finalize. So with that in mind, how about we get to the interesting part and run down some games?

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Aaron’s Top Ten Games of 2011

Here are my top 10 games of 2011.  It has been quite an amazing year for games, one of the best in a long time for me in fact and I am very excited for 2012.

1. Batman: Arkham City
While not the perfect sequel to Arkham Asylum, it got pretty close. Less Riddler junk and a slightly bigger, more interesting world with perhaps the more interesting characters getting more time in the spotlight would have made it far better, but Batman still takes the lead for me this year.

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Ross McKinney’s Top 10 Games of 2011

1) Shadow of the Colossus & ICO HD Collection
This game was already locked at number one for me the day that it was released.  The first time I played Shadow of the Colossus, it was unlike any game that I had ever played before.  It was so simple, but at the same time difficult; beautiful,yet sorrowful.  Shadow hit me on a level that I had previously never thought possible, and of which has never happened again.  Shadow was a groundbreaking game for me, so its spot on my top 10 list was pretty much set.  When compiled with ICO at a lower price tag, this collection is one that all PS3 owners should have on their shelves.

2) Skyrim
Chances are that if you are reading this list, then you have already made your opinion on whether or not you are going to be playing Skyrim, but for those who have not played or heard anything about it, Skyrim is a pretty amazing game.  Let me preface this by saying that there are still a lot of bugs (as in most all Bethesda games), but there is also an extreme amount of polish from the last Bethesda developed game, Fallout: New Vegas.  The sheer depth and scope of everything in TES: V makes it something that you really should experience first hand, and will likely be in the top three of most game websites “Top 10” lists.

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Finally, Some Real Hope for Sonic After All These Years.

There’s probably a large amount of people that aren’t even aware that Sonic Generations came out a little over two weeks ago. Come to think of it, there’s probably a large amount of people out there who don’t care either. It was released in the same week as Uncharted 3 and a week before juggernauts such as Modern Warfare 3, Assassin’s Creed, Skyrim and Halo. Of all the games that people would prioritise, I doubt that a new Sonic game would have been one of them. With that being said, I do want to talk about Sonic Generations, mainly because the game is actually pretty damn good and also because of the above game releases that will be hogging all the lime light.

Now first things first, I’m not putting Sonic Generations in the same league as those games, I mean it’s a much better game than Skyrim for a start… had you going for a second there, didn’t I? Anyway, the Sonic franchise has not been treated with much care since his days of glory on the Sega MegaDrive/Genesis all those years ago. The best attempts at recreating the magic of the 2D games were always the handheld titles and for almost 15 years the various 3D versions have been getting worse and worse. While Sonic Generations is not a complete return to the standards of say, Sonic 2, when compared to recent efforts, it comes pretty damn close. That being said, you don’t have to justify the merits of Generations by that comparison alone, it is still a great platformer that, for the first time since Sonic Adventure, has made this franchise feel modern. In both gameplay and presentation, this feels like a game that was released in the year it actually was.

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How the Saints Row Franchise Differentiated Itself from the Sea of GTA Clones

Upon the 2006 release of Saints
, the words that seemed to be on everybody’s lips were “GTA Clone”.  And when you look at the most general
structure of Saints Row, there is a
vague similarity. You are playing a sandbox game set in a city area where you
go around killing people in 3rd person.  While at its most basic level it is similar to a game like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (the
latest GTA game out at the time that Saints
was released), the differences are quite numerous.  Unlike in the GTA series, in Saints Row, you were an active member of
a gang (the 3rd Street Saints), and your main mission was to go
around the city and claim land for the Saints from the other gangs (the Vice
Kings, Los Carnales, and Westside Rollerz).  Because of the fact that you were in a gang, there was a
much higher sense of comradery than in the GTA series.  Sure, you had friends in San Andreas, but Saints Row went as far as creating a “Homie” system where you could
recruit a fellow gang member to help you on a mission or stronghold
takeover.  On a different level,
the protagonist in Saint’s Row is
largely silent for the whole game (he/she maybe has 3 lines of dialogue), so
there is really no characterization. 
What I mean by this is that you could place any person into the position
of the protagonist in Saints Row and
it wouldn’t change, because the only thing that you really know about the
character is that he or she is part of a gang.  With every GTA game (starting with GTA III), you play as a
named character and learn a lot about whom they are and the struggles that they
go through, which is extremely different from Saints Row.  Yet
despite the differences, the easy categorization was to say it was like GTA,
but GTA was better so they did not need to play Saints Row.  In order
for Saints Row as a franchise to
survive, it needed to differentiate itself from GTA.

Luckily Saints Row 2 was
able to do this partially due to what GTA IV did to itself.  With GTA IV, there were some funny
parts, and the humor was still partially there, but overall the story was much
more serious, Hard Times in Liberty City through the lens of Niko Belic.  So all that Saints Row 2 had to do was amp up the humor a bit, and the
disparity between serious GTA IV and
ridiculous Saints Row 2 would
separate them as products.  While
they would both still be sandbox games, the tone of Saints Row 2 would be much more different.  They also may have benefitted from the
fact that Saints Row 2 came out 6
months after GTA IV (Saints Row 2 in October and GTA IV in April), but they did amp up the
humor and ridiculousness and that helped to differentiate them as two separate

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