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True Blood – Burning House of Love

We find out why Sookie has been so reluctant to live her life. Tara and her mother go to have the demon excised. Randy Sue is a smart girl. Jason goes to Fangtasia and meets a new girl. Bill saves the townspeople and then something terrible happens.

Sookie finally reveals what has been troubling her for many years to Bill. Her Uncle Bartlett is a pervert and touched her as a child. Of course part of the problem was she could hear what he was thinking besides. It is a surprise she ever trusted any man ever. No wonder she waited for a honorable man like Bill.

You still feel what Bill does is a little drastic, but those silly vampires they do seem to hold a grudge if you hurt the one they love!

The scene with Tara, her mother, and Miss Jeanette was great. The exorcism was very well done if a little quick and it was intriguing how it effected Tara as much as her mother. Jason tells Randy Sue he is going to Fangtasia and we finally meet a girl with some sense when she dumps him on the spot. He meets a girl named Amy who seems like the ultimate hippie as she lives one with the Earth and the moment. What’s really going on with Tara and Sam? Where is this going? It really seems to be a love/hate relationship.

Bill does the chivalrous thing at the end when he draws the Vampire Nest out of Merlotte’s and away from the humans. He realized the danger everyone was in. The vigilantes torch the new nest the next morning and kill four vampires that were inside. We are led to believe on is Bill and Sookie goes into a deep funk as the episode ends.  Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – Cold Ground

Adele Stackhouse is found murder in a pool of blood by Sookie. Bill and Sam come to her aid and her friends try to shield her from everyone. Tera and Sam hook up and Sookie and Bill’s relationship goes to a new level.

Adele is dead and Sookie feels all alone. At the funeral she hears what everyone is thinking and tells them to shut the …. up. 🙂 I really enjoyed Lois Smith as Adele and everything I have ever seen her in like the movie Twister. On a similar point I would like to say I am impressed with Anna Paquin and her work so far in this show.

Adele’s death was inevitable in the maturation of Sookie’s character. It forces her to make choices which she hadn’t been doing. She had been playing at life and as we see by the end of this episode she jumps in with both feet. Also I think they will have to explore the fact that Sookie was the target of the murder not her grandmother.

Jason is a screw up as he invited their Uncle Bill to the funeral and this obviously upset Sookie. He never seems to do the right thing. We see him continuing his “relationship” with Randy Sue.

Tera and Sam hook up again mostly because he needs someone and she is trying to escape from her mother. Something is obviously coming to head with that as well as her mother claims she needs to excise a demon from herself. The graveyard seems like a peaceful place and I don’t usually get that feeling about graveyards. I like how they have made it a focal point in the story and it is what separates Bill and Sookie physically and spiritually.

The ending is great when Sookie actually lives her dream with Bill and they end up together. Quite moving.  Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – Sparks Fly Out

Bill presents for Adele at the Descendants of the Glorious Dead meeting. Jason goes back for more V despite his earlier problems and he continues his earlier ways. Sookie is in for a terrible surprise ending.

The presentation before basically the whole town was great. Bill uncovered the cross and made some very important statements about Old Glory and the descendants of the area and the Civil War. You come away thinking he may have swayed some people to like him.

Poor Jason! He keeps getting himself in deeper and deeper. After his unbelievable experience with V the first time he manages to get himself hooked again. You really have to wonder about Lafayette and how smart it is for him to be giving it to Jason who can’t keep his mouth shut.

Sam finally talks Sookie into at least going out with him but then he gets weird and aggressive and she rebukes him. Jason seems to see the light about Tera. Then at the end the V really gets to him and she finds him with Randy Sue, the divorcee out by the garbage. He really is a randy little boy. 🙂

Sookie gets home after taking a cab and gets a life altering surprise. Another terrible death. This is truly horrible!  Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – Escape From Dragon House

Dawn was dead and Jason is the main suspect. Jason drinks the whole bottle of V resulting in some problems for him. Sookie gets Bill to take her to the Vampire Bar in Shreveport where both of the dead women visited shortly before their deaths.

This is getting interesting. I love the music by Nathan Barr by the way it reminds me of soundtracks from Walter Hill movies with the music by Ry Cooder like The Last Man Standing starring Bruce Willis among others.

Dawn is indeed dead. Hey! Dawn of the Dead! Sorry 🙂 She was strangled! Jason and the women next door come in after Sookie screams and of course she puts Jason there last night.

Sookie starts using her abilities to try to figure out who did it as she is pretty sure her brother Jason didn’t. Tara even shows up at the police station and claims that she was with Jason the night before and gets him released. Jason has a bigger problem though. He took the whole bottle of V and swallowed it when he was in the police car after he was told to use a drop or two at the most. He has Priaprism which can be very painful. I won’t go into the cure for those who are squeamish.

Bill comes to Merlotte’s and Sookie asks him to take her to the Vampire Bar Fangtasia. Both of the murdered women had gone there before their untimely deaths. Bill agrees and they go. She calls it a Disneyland for Vampires. They meet the oldest vampire Eric and he speaks with them. To be honest we don’t really learn that much other than we get to see how single minded the vampires are in general.

A great scene at the end of the bar finds a State Trooper pulling Bill and Sookie over in his BMW and Bill proceeds to use his glamor on the patrolman with devastating results. In this world vampires have weaknesses but they definitely have some pretty intense powers. A surprise in that this weeks episode does not end in a cliff hanger. I think enough goes on for you to think about that a high powered ending may overwhelm the story line each week. There is a lot to ponder about this episode and where things are going. The ending was a little strange with Sam smelling Dawn’s sheets and pillows for some reason. The explanation for this ought to be really interesting. Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – Mine

Sookie is rescued from being taken by the vampires when Bill declares that she is mine! Not all vampires are polite as Bill. Another girl that Jason slept with dies the same day. Sam and Tara sleep together because they are both lonely.

Sookie seems a little shocked by the reality of her situation. She is one brave girl but despite her protests she does seem pretty naive. She has great dreams though. I loved the bit with the cat purring and she yelled at him to stop and he did.

What’s with the dog and Sam? Tara heard Sam bark in his sleep. Is there a connection there somehow. The dog looks perfectly healthy yet doesn’t seem to belong to anyone. Tara and Sam sleep together because they are lonely and miss having sex for a long time.

No vampire glamor seems to work on Sookie which shocks the vampires no end. Despite his best efforts Jason is getting pulled into more and more vampire things. First the sex with girls that have been with vampires and now he is going to use the V. Tara sees him doing the online dance. That has got to come back to haunt him!

It seems that anyone Jason sleeps with is found dead the next day or so. Sookie found Dawn and I assume she is dead. I don’t know for sure though. What a waste! Well the cliffhanger involved Sookie but at least it wasn’t related to Sookie getting killed. This time she finds the body and screams ending the episode.

Finally we are learning a little about vampire politics within the vampires of the world. The hierarchy if you will. The older you are the more pull you have. It seems some vampires are not OK with treating human beings as equals.  Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – The First Taste

Bill comes and saves Sookie from the Rattray’s. Bill feeds her some of his blood to save her life. The next day the Rattray’s trailer looks like it was hit by a tornado and the Rattray’s are crushed underneath. Bill comes and meets the family.

I take it that we are going to have a cliff hanger to end each week. Last week it was the Rattray’s killing Sookie. This week is a bunch of vampires killing Sookie. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

Jason gets cleared of the murder in the first episode “because he just isn’t that smart”. He beds another lady and finds a vampire bite on her as well. This seems to be a coming theme. Sookie invites Bill to her and her Grandmothers house for “dinner”, and Jason and Tara crash the party. Of course you get the standard you’re a vampire so we don’t like you either speeches or innuendo.

Jason was in jail to end the first episode and now he is tied up in bed at the end of this episode. Another theme?

Another coincidence… maybe… is that people are dying in weird circumstances. The Rattray’s died when their house fell on them? A renowned Professor and his family died on the highway in a freak accident right after he was on a program arguing with a vampire who is working for equal vampire rights. Another theme?

One thing we learn that I believe will be important is not only can’t Sookie read Bill, but Bill can’t glamor Sookie with his vampire charms. Interesting!

I liked this episode a little better than the first as it had a little less mystery and a little more meat to the story. It looks like this could get really good. Thanks for reading…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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True Blood – Strange Love

Sookie Stackhouse is a Southern Girl that lives in a small town in Louisiana. She is telepathic and it can drive her crazy on occasion. Life has been the same for Sookie until along comes Bill Compton a vampire who she cannot read.

I have read Charlene Harris. Excellent opening to the story with that piece at the little road shop. True Blood is the Synth Blood that was invented by the Japanese and makes it possible for Vampires who have come out of the closet to not have to drink human blood. It is interesting that it is marketed like beer!

Sookie is telepathic in that she can if she doesn’t block it out hear peoples thoughts. What a curse! I would have to think that would be a terrible burden.

These books have been out a long time and the theme of a forlorn male vampire with a human female has been played out in many stories from Twilight to Moonlight to True Blood. Because this is on HBO the material seems to be a little more edgy in nature. You can see the true violence and ugliness of both the humans and the vampires.

The scene with the couple who is trying to bleed Bill out is quite graphic and probably plays better that way overall. Sookie is something else. With no thought of her own safety she goes after the two of them. Of course retribution is at hand but I think with the way the episode ended Bill will be around soon.

Nice first episode with some superfluous characters and strange happenings, but I have a feeling they will become important in the long run. I personally liked Sookie, her Grandmother, Bill, and Sam the most so far. We’ll see how it all goes forward…

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman

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